The most common reasons employees leave are disagreements with the manager, incompetence, low valuation, division into favorites-non-favorites, highlighting the merits of others. How should a manager properly motivate and communicate with employees to perform well and not leave the company?
Table of Contents
Manager’s Behavior Towards Employees
The manager should only promise what he can realistically keep. The basis is creating a plan and overview of documents and information. In this way, the manager will ensure that deadlines are met and that employees are clear about how and when things should be completed. The manager defines the expectations and specific tasks of each team. The manager is often very busy, so it is not possible to reach him. The opposite is the case if the manager is a silent loner and the door to his office is closed all day. At the same time, his employees think they do everything for him anyway. The manager avoids this if he “secretes” his job to know what is happening and how they are expected to contribute.
The most desirable feature of a manager is his flexibility. However, you can’t be a manager everywhere and do everything simultaneously. On the other hand, he knows how to identify the “cannibals of time” and is working to eliminate them. Unless it is absolutely important to complete a project, it does not contact employees in person on leave and when they are on vacation. It avoids micromanagement and even excessive control. Continuous control of results is natural, but employees must not feel that they are still behind them. It is also unprofessional for a manager to discuss an employee with his colleagues.
The personal affairs of the manager do not belong to the job. The manager controls his emotions. Anger, insults, and remorse for employees have no place at work. If the manager still has a quick emotional outburst, it is good to take the time to cool down or move the solution to another competent employee.
The manager appreciates every job done, and it verbally and financially motivates and encourages. He should show as often as possible that he enjoys and appreciates the approach of every employee with a simple “thank you.”
Communication Skills Of A Manager Concerning Employees
Managers in small and medium-sized companies do not consider communication skills the most important, resp. Key to its success is largely due to the persistence of prejudices such as ‘everyone can communicate.’ Let’s ask the question, why is it important to develop and improve communication skills in the company? The answers to it can be varied, from positive to negative. Still, it can be seen that without an adequate level of communication skills, other necessary knowledge would not be developed.
Communication shortcomings such as:
1. Generalization
- If I need you, you’re never here.
- I can’t count on you for anything.
- You still make the same mistakes.
2. Exaggeration
I have asked you to do so at least a hundred times.
3. Exaggeration
- I don’t remember you listening to me!
It is better to use open-ended questions in communication with employees, which usually begin with the words What, Why, How, for example:
- What can you say about this situation ?;
- Why did you communicate this to the customer?
- What would help you the most with this project?
A good manager regularly inquires and provides employees with feedback.
Feedback Principles
Focus On Specific Behavior, Not On The Person
Feedback should describe specific behaviors, not give general assessments. Sentences such as “You are not responsible” or “I am really pleasantly surprised at how well you work” should be avoided. These allegations are general and do not say enough about how to correct an employee’s “irresponsible” or conclude that the work was “well done.” Feedback must focus on specific behavior, and the employee must be clear why you are criticizing or praising him. For example: “I am concerned that you have been working on the launch of a new product for a month and have not yet delivered any results.”
Start With Something Positive, End With Something Constructive
If you want to say something negative, start with something positive. Ensure the employee understands that you are giving him feedback with good intentions to help him change something that the company cares about. Let him feel that you appreciate the goodness that stands out:
“Thanks for taking the time. I want to tell you something because I know you are capable of change for the better .”
Feedback should not end with criticism but with a constructive suggestion or question:
So, what can we do about it .? How can I help you with this .?
Speak clearly. Ask If The Employee Fully Understands The Information
For feedback to be effective, you need to make sure the information is understandable to the employee. If there is too much information, it should be dosed. There is no point in criticizing anything when you see that the employee no longer listens, that there is too much for him. The language style complexity of the said must be adapted to the employee, personality, age, position in the company.
Don’t let Emotions Speak. Keep An Impersonal Tone
Feedback, especially negative, should be descriptive rather than evaluative. If you can’t control your emotions, name them, “I’m really angry when .”
Avoid big emotions and raise your voice. The feedback should be to the employee, not to react.
Ensure The Employee Has Control And Competence In The Situation You Are Talking About
It is pointless to blame an employee for something over which he has no control or competence.
In the beginning, explain the situation and agree with the employee on the facts. Only then take a position on them:
‘I want to comment on one thing. You came to work three times late last week, twice every 15 minutes and once an hour later, is that so .?”
Choose The Right Place And The Right Time For Feedback
Feedback makes sense for the employee if there is a short interval between behavior and receiving behavioral feedback. If you start clarifying the situation a week ago and ask him to rectify it when he leaves work, the input loses its effect.
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